Canary rockfish (Sebastes pinniger) COSEWIC assessment and status report: chapter 10

Summary of catches

Prior to the imposition of commercial catch restrictions in the 1980s, coastwide reported landings of canary rockfish averaged about 1000 t/y from 1967-1979. There is evidence that significant exploitation on this species in the Canadian continental shelf started at least in 1960, probably rising slowly to 1967-1979 levels. Catches were driven largely by market conditions, abundance, or availability. Landings since the early 1980s have been limited by regulation. Total reported landings ranged from 626-1817 t with an average of 1315 t from 1980 to 1995. Full dockside monitoring was implemented for trawlers in 1994 and hook-and-line fishers in 1996. Full observer coverage in the trawl fishery was implemented in 1996. Total reported commercial catches (landings plus discards for trawl, and landings only for hook-and-line) have averaged 840 t from 1996-2004.

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