Prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea) COSEWIC assessment and status report: Appendix A

Appendix A

List of Important Areas Recently Known to Support Prothonotary Warblers in Ontario(1991-2005).


Site name

UTM 10x10 km square (NAD83)
Maximum population in time period1

History of occupancy

Essex Amherstburg 17LG25 3 pairs Likely occupied annually since at least 2001 private
Essex Holiday Beach 17LG35 4 pairs Likely occupied annually since at least 1997 Essex Region CA; private
Essex Hillman Marsh 17LG75 1 pair Occupied ephemerally Essex Region CA; private
Chatham-Kent Rondeau Provincial Park 17MG27; 17MG28; 17MG38 15 pairs Occupied annually at least since the 1930s Ontario Parks
Norfolk Hahn Woods (base of Long Point) 17NH31 5 pairs Occupied more or less annually since the 1930s CWS and private
Norfolk Long Point (remote) 17NH71 1 pair Occupied somewhat ephemerally in several scattered locations since at least the early 1980s. CWS and private
Norfolk Backus Woods 17NH42 5 pairs Occupied in most years since the early 1980s Long Point Region CA and private
Norfolk Lower Big Creek 17NH41 3 pairs Occupied regularly but somewhat ephemerally in several scattered locations since at least the 1930s CWS and private
Hamilton-Wentworth Dundas Marsh 17NH89 2 pairs Occupied fairly regularly since the 1950s Royal Botanical Gardens

1 Together, these sites have the capacity to support over 40 pairs of Prothonotary Warblers.

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